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Search : puzzle 500 pieces (852 results)

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  1. What are the benefits of puzzles?

    From stimulating your brain to developing patience, below is a list of health and educational benefits of doing puzzles. Health...

  2. A «homemade» P-Day?

    Find everything you need like magic! Our team of experts has prepared fact sheets for you to help you organize your professional days in a...

  3. 12 perfect game and gift ideas tested by the Vie de Parents family

    You know the Vie de Parents family, always ready to test games, activities and gifts that will please little ones, older children and even...

  4. It's the Holiday Season at Brault & Bouthillier!

    Christmas is almost upon us! Brault & Bouthillier is offering to be your best ally as you prepare your sack of gifts. This year once again,...

  5. Child Development Through Play: The First Two Years

    The series of articles below describe the skills acquired during childhood. These skills develop sequentially and any reference to age may vary from...

  6. Learning difficulties at the preschool level

    As we all know, children aren’t all at the same stage when they start preschool or kindergarten. Some haven’t had much practice handling...

  7. Article de Geneviève Harvey-Miville / Introduire des activités sensorielles dans votre quotidien (in French only)

    On dit souvent qu’il n’y a pas d’âge pour apprendre et c’est bien vrai. Les poupons vont explorer leur environnement et...

  8. When motor skills and simplicity go hand in hand

    Everyone agrees on the importance of psychomotor education in children. This is a broad area that includes fine motor skills, gross motor skills, as...

  9. Did you do your homework?

    If success in school is a responsibility to be shared by the school, parents, children and society in general, dealing with homework on a daily basis...

  10. Children with learning difficulties

    Their numbers keep growing… They are part of the reality of early childhood and school life, but finding the necessary resources remains a...

  11. Workshop : Flower Arrangement

    Whether done as a group, team or family, this collective creation (3 or more participants) will brighten your day. 1 - Apply tempera freely...

  12. Des produits futés pour la relâche! La soucoupe pour glisser (french only)

    Soucoupe pour glisser Les enfants adoreront dévaler les pentes avec cette soucoupe en plastique résistant, munie de...

  13. Froggy Feeding Fun

    Froggy Feeding Fun These two adorable smiling frogs are made of soft, durable rubber that’s pleasant to handle. Besides improving...

  14. Educational benefits of playing with modelling clay or pottery clay

    Educational benefits of playing with modelling clay or pottery clay Playing with modelling clay or pottery clay can help children develop...

  15. Educational benefits of building blocks and sets

    Building blocks and setscan help children develop important skills and competencies. The information in this document was compiled by...

  16. Easter decorations at home (french only)

    Instructions Aplatir un petit rouleau de carton vide et enrouler autour de celui-ci, vers le centre, un brin de laine une centaine de fois....

  17. 4 spooky and fun craft ideas for Halloween! (in french only)

    LANTERNES DE PAPIER Instructions Plier une feuille de papier dans le sens de la longueur. En commençant par le...

  18. Let's play outside! (in French only)

    La belle neige qui s'est accumulée au cours des derniers jours donne envie de goûter pleinement aux joies de l'hiver! Voici 5...

  19. 5 idées de bricolages pour les petits cocos! (in French only)

    Lorsqu’on voit soudainement apparaître une panoplie de lapins, de petits cocos et de chocolat partout où l’on va, on sait...

  20. Article de Geneviève Harvey-Miville / Camps de jour : des trucs et astuces pour un été amusant pour tous! (in French only)

    Avant de célébrer la fin des classes, il faut encore traverser la période des examens de fin d’année....

  21. Handicrafts on fabric: A must for your creative projects this summer!

    Personalize shirts, bags, shoes or beach towels with our handicrafts on fabric products. The possibilities are endless! Thanks to our vast selection...

  22. Games to play on the porch

    You know the Brault & Bouthillier family, always ready to test games, activities and gifts that will please little ones, older children and even...